Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Technological Solutions & Cultural Solutions

...A recent thought:

There can be no technological solution without a cultural solution. Cultural solutions are more valuable and profitable than technological solutions.


It's kind of obvious to me that since it's the people within the system that are needed to buy into and use the technology, the "cultural" aspects are primary for the acceptance and use of the technology.

Also, how the technology is applied and the efficacy of it as a "solution" is also dependent on a cultural component. Is the technology being used to simply pave the cowpaths, speeding transactions and analysis in the system's old way of thinking about and doing things, or is the technology a means of supporting a significant improvement that involves a new mindset and set of operating rules -- a "new culture"?

On the other hand, the benefit of a technological solution is that it can help to do just that -- institutionalize a cultural solution so that it gets a chance to eventually become the old method subject to another solution.

Bottom line -- significant, meaningful, profitable results come from the cultural solutions. While they may be made possible or supported by a tech solution, the technological aspect may be neccesary but not sufficient.


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